Let’s Create a NEW Story…



Area of Expertise!

You will always have to remember before you can even put your foot on the floor to show whatever is in yourself you need to prove yourself to the screening and casting team…

Cinematography is a form of art that lives longer than any other form of art now it is available to the world you have to remember it’s not only about the videography for the still photography it’s about the expression that you are going to bring to the world..

After completing a movie or any kind of videography the most difficult part is to to make the good stuff available for public, here we come with the solution through different platforms and agency partners to sort out this issues.

If you think you have a good story or you have the Talent to express to the world but only obstacle you are facing is the money do not hesitate to write us and we will help you out every way it is possible with every kind of resources we have.

We've Worked with from Big to Experienced People in the industry.

We Can Help You Take Your next Step Regardlessly.

Do you Know ?

" making a movie is not a difficult job, it became difficult once you don't like it. "


 – Indiboy.

Team Member

I Love to Capture People in frame!

Feel Great About How They Look. Every Picture Has A New Story To Tell…​

Meet one of Our Creators

ছায়াছবি কোন প্রসাধনসামগ্রী নয় যাহা হইতে অর্থ উপার্জন করিয়া শুধুমাত্র নির্ভরশীল ও স্বাচ্ছন্দপূর্ণ জীবন যাপন করা হয় l ছায়াছবি হল এমন একটি ফলাফল যার দ্বারা বর্ণিত হয় সমাজের ব্যথা, আবেগ, সত্য ঘটনা, ব্যক্তিকেন্দ্রিক সফলতা ও নিরাশা l এককথায় ছায়াছবি হল সময়কালের ফসিলস যা ভাষার রূপ-রস- রঙ্গ দ্বারা সম্পৃক্ত সত্য ঘটনার আধুনিক ফলশ্রুতি l
- Liya

Contact Me

Consultations Are Free!

For more of the details kindly do fill-up the form and if you are interested also can upload your portfolio   (dragmedia.in@gmail.com)as well in the message section write down in detail about your query for suggestions and we will get back to you as soon as possible.


    6-1/B Paddapukur Road Flat No 2A 2nd floor, Shitala Apartment, Bakultala St, Netaji Nagar, Kolkata, West Bengal 700092

    Our hours

    10:00 AM – 18.00 PM
    Monday – Sunday

    Contact us

    Phone: +91 9051092238
    Email: dragmedia.in@gmail.com